Sunday, February 22, 2009

*!* Remembering *!*

So on the 20Th marked a year since I have seen my sister. It was a long hard year and though it still hurts I feel we are all finally starting to mend. I was looking at the program from her funeral the other day and the poem on the back is so amazing. I thought that I would share. I am not sure who it is by it does not state.

He Only Takes The Best

God Saw she was getting tired
And a cure was not to be,
So He put His arms around her
And whispered, "Come with Me."

With tearful eyes we watched her suffer
And saw her fade away,
Although we loved her dearly
We Could not make her stay.

A golden heart stopped beating
Hard working hands to rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.


Helpingstine's said...

You have had such a hard year. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. P.S. that poem was beautiful.

Shaylyn said...

That is a great poem. Cami was shuch a sweet and kind girl. You couldn't but help to miss her.

Wild Rasmussen said...

it is so hard lossing someone so close to you. It is hard and it well mbe hrad every to the day comes she is in a great place now and doing work that she is needing to do for our Heavly Father it is a great thing it know that we will see are loved one's again some day. I wish I could tell you that is getts better but for me it is still hard not having my mother aroiund just to pick up the phone to call her. so hang in there call me if you are needing to talk. 505-419-1277 love ya cindy

Jensen's Funny Farm said...

That is a really good pic of Cami. I can't believe it's been a year already!! I hope you know how much we love you ( Jami too!) and are here for you. Love Ang

Jessica said...

hey i havent talked to you forever... I came across your blog. Im so sorry about yor sister. i didnt know about it til i read. the poem is beautiful. hope your doing well